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Describes methods for promoting health care delivery services in a rural community and justifies methods with supporting evidence.

Methods for Promoting Health Care Delivery Services in A Rural Community

Describes methods for promoting health care delivery services in a rural community and justifies methods with supporting evidence.

Culturally Sensitive, Evidence-Based Strategies for Working with A Diverse Rural Population

Explains culturally sensitive, evidence-based strategies for working with a diverse rural population, including forms of communication and alternative forms of health care.

Potential Barriers to Health Care for A Rural Community Population

Explains potential barriers to health care for a rural community population and considers the expected outcomes if barriers are not overcome, or describes evidence-based strategies to overcome barriers.

Recommended Communication Strategies and Techniques for An Interdisciplinary Health Care Team Working with A Rural Community Population

Recommends evidence-based communication strategies and techniques for an interdisciplinary health care team working with a rural community population and explains how good communication will result in quality health care outcomes.


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