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explain what made this topic a health disparities issue, which public health theory you think it is based on, and the potential effectiveness of the community intervention. 

Select one news release that discusses a global health program from one of the following organizations: Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Disparities News Releases Kaiser Foundation Disparities Policy News Releases After you have read the news release, in your post, provide your reaction to it. Be sure to explain what made this topic a health disparities […]

Identify and discuss the  policies that would and would not be acceptable and/or ethical in  today’s society.

In 2-3 pages summarize the Ellis Island policies discussed in the article “Medical Examination of Immigrants at Ellis Island”  by Alison Bateman-House and Amy Fairchild on the American Medical  Association’s online journal, Virtual Mentor. Identify and discuss the  policies that would and would not be acceptable and/or ethical in  today’s society.  Refer to due process, […]

identify only one situation from the choices below that you have not previously experienced, and tell us how the nurse could improve quality through demonstrating leadership.

Nurses demonstrate leadership in many situations. For this discussion, identify only one situation from the choices below that you have not previously experienced, and tell us how the nurse could improve quality through demonstrating leadership. Communicating with legislators to influence health policy Clinical leadership at the bedside Nursing management of units or facilities Impact of […]

The impact of the IOM report on nursing education.

eview the Institute of Medicine (IOM) report: “The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health,” focusing on the following sections: Transforming Practice, Transforming Education, and Transforming Leadership. Write a paper of 750-1,000 words about the impact on nursing of the 2010 IOM report on the Future of Nursing. In your paper, include: The impact of […]

Summarize each major functional “Office” in the agency (not administrative or staff areas). There are four. Who heads each of these offices?

Provide the mission and vision statements for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Summarize each major functional “Office” in the agency (not administrative or staff areas). There are four. Who heads each of these offices? For example: the Office of Infectious Disease. What are its areas of responsibility? Who heads that office? One of […]