summarize the state of healthcare quality and disparities in the United States in one or two paragraphs?
Go to the AHRQ website and find the most current version of the national Healthcare Quality and disparities report. Read the executive summary, and brows the rest of the report Read articles on patient safety under content. Based on your brief review and reading, summarize the state of healthcare quality and disparities in the United […]
Using a problem-solving and decision making skills model discussed in class outline how you would approach solving this difficult decision. Describe how you arrived at your decision. How many alternatives did you generate? If you were financially stable without a family would your decision have been the same?
Power, politics, and Collective Bargaining on Organizational Climate Submit Assignment Due Feb 20 by 11:59pm Points 10 Submitting a file upload Power, politics, and Collective Bargaining on Organizational Climate List and support your reasons for or against striking. You are a staff nurse in the ICU in one of your city’s two hospitals. You have […]
. Compare and contrast strategies for resolving a conflict, using first the informal negotiation method and then the formal negotiation method.
2. Compare and contrast strategies for resolving a conflict, using first the informal negotiation method and then the formal negotiation method. 3. Explore the American Nurses Association website for information on collective bargaining for nurses. Which states have nursing unions? Debate the issue of joining a union with another group of students. 4. PART […]
How can you apply the levels of prevention when dealing with the problem of substance abuse in your community. Give some examples.
Substance abuse as a Community Health Problem. Violence and Nursing’s Response. Please read chapter 22 and 23 of the class textbook and review the attached Power Point Presentation. Once done please answer the following questions; 1. In your own words define substance abuse and give some examples of some substances and the impact in the […]
Consider the professional basis of nursing and the presence of unions in health care. Does unionization conflict with a professional nursing orientation?
Discussion: Unionization and the Nursing Profession Unionization is a highly charged topic. No matter what your beliefs or thoughts are on the subject, one thing is clear—nurse managers have a significant responsibility to promote the goals of their organizations while appreciating the labor concerns that may prompt employees to join unions. Beyond that, it is […]
Describe primary, secondary, and tertiary methods of health prevention for this topic.
As adolescents separate from their parents and gain a sense of control, sometimes they are unable to balance stresses. As a result, depression may occur, and, at times, suicide may be the outcome. Choose the topic of either adolescent depression or adolescent suicide. Discuss contributing factors and signs and symptoms that may be observed or […]
Discuss current interventions by public health and medical care professionals for the health issue that you have selected.
Public Health and Health Care Services Using the public health issue that was selected for Week 1, describe how the issue is currently addressed by public health services and by medical practice services to include any collaborations that may exist. Using a general outline, develop a plan for how the issue could be addressed more […]
. How can you apply the levels of prevention (primary, secondary, and tertiary) when dealing with the problem of substance abuse in your community. Give some examples.
1. In your own words define substance abuse and give some examples of some substances and the impact in the health of your community. 2. How can you apply the levels of prevention (primary, secondary, and tertiary) when dealing with the problem of substance abuse in your community. Give some examples. 3. In your own […]
Discuss the different technical skills required for your career and/or the discussed on the job sites you have searched.
RESEARCH PAPER: You will need to prepare a three to five-page paper (double-spaced, 12-point font, in WORD) using APA format (abstract, in-text citations AND a reference page), plus a cover page. The cover page, abstract and reference page are not to be regarded as part of the page requirement. (See the “APA Sample” under Course […]