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Identify strategies the manager could use to resolve the conflict between Emma and Isabella to create a supportive climate again.

Read the following scenario:

Emma and Isabella attend the front office at an urgent care facility. They have worked together for over 5 years and enjoy collaborating on projects. Their manager has asked them to collaborate by creating a team training for effective communication in the workplace. Emma and Isabella will be responsible for creating and delivering the training to the staff at the facility. Emma feels that it is important to provide hands-on learning while Isabella feels lecture would be the most appropriate format for this team. Emma defends her point by saying that her sister has been a teacher for 10 years, and she has proven that hands-on learning will increase the engagement and likelihood of remembering the training material. Isabella feels that Emma does not account for her 10 years of experience in the medical office and voices her disgust with Emma for her lack of appreciation for her experience. Isabella storms off and leaves Emma to finish the work.

Emma approaches the manager and complains that she has been left to complete the training because Isabella refuses to talk or work with her.

Write a 265- to 350-word paper that includes the following:

  • Describe the type of conflict illustrated in the scenario.
  • Identify strategies the manager could use to resolve the conflict between Emma and Isabella to create a supportive climate again.
    • Explain how the defensive climate created by the conflict will affect the workplace relationship between Emma and Isabella.
      • Discuss the impact it could have on the other clinic staff and the consumers who use the clinic.

Submit your assignment to the University of Phoenix Center for Writing Excellence plagiarism checker Turnitin®and WritePoint® powered by Grammarly®.

Include the report from Turnitin® and from WritePoint® with your assignment.

Cite at least 1 peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar reference.

Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.


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